Vincent Barr    Writing    Reading    About

Find Your Locker without Remembering Its Number

A useful mistake with a backpack.

A List of Words and Phrases to Remove from Your Marketing Copy

Exclusive, award-winning, high-touch, and more.

The Deceptively Simple A/B Testing Mistake Quietly Killing Your Conversion Rates

A common split testing misstep, and a solution.

The 'Real-Real' of Biographies

The 80-character bio of painter Fred Einaudi.

Adventures in Finding a Craigslist Roommate

Three listings.

Terrible Marketing Emails

A gallery of despicable email copy, design, or both.

How to Build an A/B Testing Practice in 2 Hours

A split testing tutorial.

Fix the Chrome Update That Displays Your Most Visited Sites

Remove your most visited sites from new tabs.