Vincent Barr    Writing    Reading    About

Gac Filipaj: Unfortunately, an Education Outlier

Like so...

Why Is Kurt Cobain the Only One Doing This?

And what I mean by this is...

On 'Workaholics,' Work Ethic, and Motivation

Do blood, sweat and tears indicate high performance?

Bridge = Design + Utility + Risk

Picture creating a work that can support the wear of tens of people driving tons of steel over it everyday day in, and day out...

How Pencils Are Sharpened

See for yourself.

Dollar Shave Club Nails Shipping Delay Email

When demand exceeds supply, a well-written letter to DSC customers.

Larry Smith on Why You Will fail, Unless

Passion, not to be confused with interest.

6 Writing Tips from John Steinbeck

1. Write freely. 2. Write to someone you know.