Vincent Barr    Writing    Reading    About

On Comprehension, Persistence, and the Rear Naked Choke

I'm fascinated by people who persevere.

How INTJs Work

The INTJ mind in a nutshell.

On Mastery: Magnus Carlsen, Chess Virtuoso

There are some people who do things particularly well, unlike others; they're masters of their trade.

5 Things I Learned This Week

Premeditating evils; if New york's Financial District were a website; Hazel + Exobrain + 90M + Me...

Os Gemeos in Boston, Urban Art from Spain

South Station, please whisper in Penn Station's ear.

On Social Innovation: Mine Kafone, Affordable Seek-and-Destroy; Why PlayPump Failed

A surprisingly attractive mine detonation 'toy' and why a well-funded PlayPump failed.

Modern Appliances + Wilderness = Neat

Light is important.

Waterfall Swing

I'd like to try this.