Vincent Barr    Writing    Reading    About

Mock User Acquisition Plan Based on Asana

My final project at the close of Generall's 10-week User Acquisiton course.

The Best Responses to 'You Don't Talk Much'

Two ears, one mouth...

On Praxis: User Acquisition Marketing at General Assembly

Balancing theory and application for effective leaarning.

Less Formal Comedy is Really Funny

My favorite jokes are those told in 10th grade attire.

How Does NASA React When its Rover, Curiosity, Lands on Mars?

Like so...

Low-cost User Acquisition with Acquaintable

Slightly more personal Facebook referrals.

How the Pin Tumbler Lock Works

Take a look.

Clever Branding with CAPTCHA Codes

Making me say things I don't believe just to move ahead.